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6 Tips for Getting Longer, Thicker and Sexier Hair

Do you dream of having long luscious hair, but are too impatient to wait for it to grow on its own? I feel your pain! Here’s some tips that help your hair grow longer faster.

1. Don’t wash your hair daily

Washing your hair daily will strip natural oils along with dirt, wash 3 - 4 times a week is the most ideal. If you feel too greasy, you can use dry shampoo instead!


2. Wipe your hair gently

After washing your hair, use a soft towel to wrap up the hair. Don’t rub your hair roughly while your hair is still wet.


3. Choose a good shampoo

Please choose organic ingredients which doesn’t has Dimethicone, do some research before you buy the shampoo.


4. Eat the right food

Eat more of Vitamin B and protein, they can help the hair grow faster. Also, nuts, avocados, salmon and other food that contain Omega-3 can help our hair to become healthier.


5. Scalp massaging

Giving yourself an at-home scalp massage increases blood flow to the scalp, which helps nutrients get to your follicles more quickly. So when you’re shampooing or rinsing your hair, try massaging your head with your fingertips to stimulate hair growth.

6. Don’t always tie your hair

Let your scalp relax and your hair will grow faster.

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